It is our mission to provide you or your loved one with a drug rehabilitation program that will match your specific treatment needs.
Lowell Community Health Center - Lowell, MA.
Lowell Community Health Center
is a Drug Rehab Facility located at 161 Jackson Street Lowell, MA. 1852 and can be contacted by calling 978-937-9700 x6730.
- Treatment Services Offered:
- Mental Health Treatment Services, Outpatient Treatment, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
- Payment Options:
- Medicaid Payment Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Pay Insurance, Self-Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help
Questions? Need Help?
Call now to speak with an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the best rehab program that fits your personal situation.
Residential • Detox • Inpatient • Outpatient • Short Term • Long Term • Low cost • Insurance • Executive • Private
(866) 603-8716
Treatment Centers by City
Select a City:
- Boston
- Worcester
- Springfield
- Lowell
- Cambridge
- Brockton
- New Bedford
- Fall River
- Lynn
- Quincy
- Somerville
- Lawrence
- Framingham
- Waltham
- Haverhill
- Malden
- Medford
- Brookline
- Chicopee
- Plymouth
- Dorchester
- Taunton
- Peabody
- Pittsfield
- Revere
- Brighton
- Methuen
- Arlington
- Attleboro
- Leominster
- Westfield
- Salem
- Beverly
- Holyoke
- Fitchburg
- Everett
- Woburn
- Amherst
- Jamaica Plain
- Marlborough
- Chelsea
- Watertown
- Roslindale
- Natick
- Randolph
- Lexington
- Gloucester
- Franklin
- Norwood
- Tewksbury
- West Springfield
- Mattapan
- Stoughton
- Melrose
- Milford
- Saugus
- Chelmsford
- Danvers
- Wakefield
- Belmont
- Roxbury
- Dedham
- Burlington
- Allston
- Wilmington
- Gardner
- Marblehead
- Middleboro
- Needham
- Acton
- East Falmouth
- North Dartmouth
- Greenfield
- Newburyport
- Norton
- Westborough
- Easthampton
- Southbridge
- Concord
- North Adams
- Agawam
- Buzzards Bay
- Amesbury
- Northampton
- Foxboro
- Hyannis
- Swansea
- South Weymouth
- Webster
- Charlestown
- East Weymouth
- Westwood
- Whitman
- Clinton
- Hopkinton
- Mashpee
- Athol
- Millbury
- Bedford
- Newton
- Feeding Hills
- Lynnfield
- Centerville
- Chestnut Hill
- Dudley
- Wareham
- Ware
- Brewster
- Palmer
- South Yarmouth
- Norwell
- Nantucket
- Harwich
- Great Barrington
- Falmouth
- Indian Orchard
- Ayer
- Orange
- Georgetown
- Westminster
- Lee
- Orleans
- Leicester
- Ashburnham
- Rowley
- Lenox
- Lincoln
- Barre
- East Freetown
- Provincetown
- Princeton
- Pocasset
- East Wareham
- Ashby
- Huntington
- East Brookfield
- Newton Lower Falls
- Leeds
- Monterey
- Cataumet
- Stockbridge
- Oak Bluffs
- West Falmouth